Framed Picture

Order Prints

Prints of most paintings may be secured by contacting our print provider, Wildflower Fine Art Editions.
Order through the following secure form or call Mike directly to place your order at (828) 265-9974.
Be sure to note the name of the piece and size you would like.

8" x 11"   •  $90
12" x 16"   •  $250
16" x 22"   •  $350
18" x 25"   •  $470
24" x 34"   •  $850

Our prints are printed on Somerset Watercolor Paper. Frames not included. Shipping to the US and Canada is included.

Prints of most paintings may be secured by contacting our print provider, Wildflower Fine Art Editions. Order through the following secure form or call Mike directly to place your order at (828) 265-9974. Be sure to note the name of the piece and size you would like.

8" x 11"   •  $90
12" x 16"   •  $250
16" x 22"   •  $350
18" x 25"   •  $470
24" x 34"   •  $850

Our prints are printed on Somerset Watercolor Paper. Frames not included. Shipping to the US and Canada is included.

  • To order prints for a second painting, please complete this form a second time.
  • $0.00
    Wildflower Fine Art Editions will contact you separately for payment.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Framed Picture

Frames not included

Print Provider

Wildflower Fine Art Editions
3624 Castleman Avenue
St Louis, MO 63110

(828) 265-9974

[email protected]

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